Saturday, March 19, 2011

March 18th, 2010

Hi, Baby Girl. It has been almost 3 weeks since I have written—too long. Everything is still going wonderful. Jamie is 2 days into week 25 and she still looks and feels great. Both of your Grandmas babysat their four kids and Grace so that your Dad and I could take Jamie and Jamie out to dinner last Saturday. It was nice to all be together and catch up as couples. We always have such a special time with them. It was extra special this time because I felt you kick a couple of times. Sooo special! Jamie keeps telling me how very strong you are.

We finished Grace’s big girl room last weekend and emptied all of her belongings from your room. Jamie made the letters for “LILLY” and they are already hung up on your wall. I love dreaming about you in there!

I am going to a big sale this weekend to pick up a few things for you. Should be fun but we definitely don’t “need” much!

No other big news to report… I’m a little nervous because I have a sore lump on my breast that I found yesterday. I am going to the doctor tomorrow to have it checked out. It is also the anniversary for our failed in-vitro last year, which brings back many sad memories. Luckily we are replacing those sad memories with many happy ones these days!

Honestly, that is all there is to report. Life is simple and that is GOOD. The snow is now gone and spring is definitely in the air. Thank goodness!!! I think I’ll get Grace dressed now and bring her to the park. Ahhh, spring… Life sure is good!

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